Clics : 2277
Créée en 1994, l’équipe Systèmes Multi-Agents Coopératifs est aujourd’hui le résultat d’un processus auto-organisationnel de chercheurs convergeant de plusieurs horizons : intelligence artificielle distribuée, systèmes distribués, simulations sociales, optimisation par recherche locale. Les travaux de l’équipe portent sur la conception de systèmes complexes et plus particulièrement de systèmes auto-adaptatifs à fonctionnalité émergente.
Clics : 1544
The institute’s objective is the promotion of basic scientific research or applied research in emerging fields of complex systems and complexity.
Clics : 1663
Created in 2011, the interdisciplinary ImmunoComplexiT network is involved in understanding and modeling the immune system, a complex biological distributed adaptive, diversified, cognitive and fluid system. Its study must take into account different levels of organization: organism, cells and molecules, in their space-time dimension.
Clics : 1401
Interface between disciplines, but also between research organizations and higher education, the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France (ISC-PIF) is a place dedicated to the development of innovative and interdisciplinary research on complex systems at the crossroad between high performance computing and big data. It catalyzes, since 2005, the emergence of common and interdisciplinary practices, facilitating access to skills, work areas and pooled research resources.